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How It Works

Oobee employs a bot that scans and analyses web pages for accessibility issues. Some common accessibility problems the bot checks for include:

Proper Labelling of Buttons

This is crucial, as it affects how assistive technologies like screen readers interpret buttons. If a button is incorrectly labeled, screen reader users may not understand its function.

Proper Labelling of Images

Accessibility is compromised when images lack proper or missing alt text, making it challenging for screen reader users to grasp the content of the image.

After completing the scan, the bot evaluates the impact of the accessibility issues by comparing them to the axe-core library from Deque Systems, a recognised standard that thoroughly covers Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) criteria. Deque’s AXE accessibility testing engine is used to assess the accessibility of websites and other HTML-based user interfaces.

The scan results are compiled in JSON format, and an HTML report is generated, providing recommendations on how to prioritise the necessary fixes.

Sample screenshot of a Oobee report highlighting accessibility issues related to images that lack alt text.
Sample screenshot of a Oobee report highlighting accessibility issues related to images that lack alt text.

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