To access ADEX, agency users can either connect via Intranet through the SGWAN interface or via MPLS from their private network. ADEX enables the discovery and sharing of event data, such as status updates or event streams in real-time, across both the Internet and Intranet. Subscribers will receive updates as soon as the events are published, and Publishers can decide on the appointment of Subscribers.
Hosted on the Government Commercial Cloud (GCC), ADEX supports an exchange of data up to RESTRICTED classification and considered NON-SENSITIVE. It enables government agencies to publish and subscribe to real-time data using a self-service portal in GCC, both on the GCC Internet and GCC Intranet.
This diagram shows the components of ADEX and its ability to distribute real-time data across networks:

Differences between APEX and ADEX
Message queue + stream hub - MQTT and Kafka - Up to RESTRICTED |
On-Demand - Consumers call API when needed - Orchestration and transformation supported - Retry-able |
Event-driven - Consumers get informed when Provider has new data - Stream processing - Replay-able |
Synchronous - Request-Response modeel - Provider responds to acknowledge request from Consumer - Immediate feedback of receipt |
Asynchronous - Response is decoupled - Provider doesn't need a response from Consumer - No immediate feedback of receipt |
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A Centralised Platform That Streamlines Data Exchange Between Government and Local Entities.