Key Benefits
No more periodical polling
Subscriber will not require to periodically check new data and poll the data from the source, will receive data from ADEX topic in real-time.
Decoupling and working independently
Publishers and subscribers are decoupled and work independently with different protocols. Adding or changing functionality won’t send ripple effects across the system.
Dynamic destinations
ADEX makes discovery of topics easier. Instead of maintaining a roster of peers that an application can send messages to, a publisher will simply publish messages to a topic. Subscribers can subscribe the topic dynamically.
Simplifying communications
The Publish Subscribe model reduces complexity by removing all the point-to-point connections with a single connection to a topic. The data can be easily delivered by point-to-point, broadcast, and request-reply patterns.
Agencies and Companies Onboarded
Topics Subscribed
Awards & Recognitions
IDC Smart City Awards (SCAPA) 2022
Winner of the Administration Category
IDC Future Enterprise Awards 2022
Best in Future of Connectedness
OpenGov Asia Excellence Award 2023
Singapore Recognition of Exellence
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A Centralised Platform That Streamlines Data Exchange Between Government and Local Entities.