Data and APIs
Open APIs and datasets allow developers to link their products with Government services and better serve citizen needs. Refer to the list below for the available open APIs and datasets.
APEX Cloud
APEX Cloud allows comphrensive API management over the internet and intranet. Find out more here!
APEX Marketplace
APEX Marketplace is a one-stop portal for developers to discover APIs and resources offered by government agencies. Find out more!
Cloud File Transfer
Cloud File Transfer is a centralised, secure platform for automated, cross-zone file transfers with government, partners, and vendors. FInd out more!
IRAS API Marketplace
IRAS API Marketplace offers tax-related APIs, Q&As and a community platform for developers to co-create with IRAS. Find out more!
Land Transport DataMall
Land Transport DataMall contains land-transport-related datasets and APIs by LTA to promote public-private collaborations. Find out more!
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) provides developers with APIs, which they can use to streamline MAS’ applications. Find out more!
OneMap APIs
OneMap is the authoritative national map of Singapore with the most detailed and updated information developed.
SENSE is an AI data assistant that empowers government officers to analyse datasets without needing technical skills. Find out more!
SingStat Table Builder
The SingStat Table Builder contains over 1,800 statistical data tables from 60 public sector agencies providing a comprehensive statistical view of Singapore’s economic and socio-demographic characteristics.
Tourism Information and Services Hub (TIH) - A One-Stop Tourism Digital Resource Hub to Save Time, Effort and Money
TIH is a one-stop digital resource hub that aims to build a vibrant and innovative tourism industry in Singapore. Find out more.
Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) Data Service APIs
URA publishes APIs for public use. These APIs can be download for the creation, development and testing of innovative applications by third parties.
Last updated 24 February 2022
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