StandardBuild – Standardising Virtual Machine Images on the Government on Commercial Cloud (GCC) | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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StandardBuild is a collection of standardised virtual machine images provided by Central Technical Services (CTS). These images are fortified to adhere to a specific subset of Centre of Internet (CIS) Benchmark standards and come pre-equipped with various Whole of Government (WOG) agents.

The aim of this service offering is to ensure that virtual machines provisioned from these images are compliant with a subset of designated Instruction Manual for Infocomm Technology and Smart Systems (ICT&SS) Management (formerly known as IM8) standards. This also minimises the manual effort required when these virtual machines are provisioned and left idle until the commencement of the application implementation phase.

In 2024, the images building portfolio is targetted to release container images for all Government Commercial Cloud (GCC/GCC+) hosting platforms.

Key Benefits

  • Standardises operating system and software images across all cloud hosting environments.
  • Accelerates the virtual machine provisioning processes.
  • Minimises manual efforts in developing customised virtual machine images.
  • Streamlines the installation and configuration of WOG agent packages.
  • Alleviates manual efforts to update the operating system after provisioning.
  • Reduces manual operating system security hardening processes.

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team through Ask GovTech @ ITSM Portal*.

*Only accessible on government-issued devices

Last updated 30 May 2024

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