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Compatible with the GCC

StandardBuild delivers a variety of standardised virtual machine images across all three GCC hosting environments:

  • GCC 2.0 AWS
  • GCC 1.0 and 2.0 Azure
  • GCC+

Covers a Variety of Virtual Machine Images

It covers a variety of standardised virtual machine images in both Linux and Windows base operating systems. It also covers a variety of standardised middleware virtual machine images.

Uploads Server Security Hardening Practices

It applies a specific subset of server security hardening practises in accordance with the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark to all standardised virtual machine images.

Provides Pre-Installed Packages

It has pre-installed WOG agent packages in all standardised virtual machine images.

Provides Automated Publication Services

It delivers weekly automated publication of the standardised virtual machine images.

Retains Virtual Machine Images for a Period

Provides a three month retention period for each standardised virtual machine image.

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A Set of Fortified Virtual Machine Images That Ensures Compliance with Security Standards