LifeSG | Singapore Government Developer Portal
Features & Roadmap
Getting Started



LifeSG brings together services and information from various government agencies, offering personalised recommendations based on user profiles. Users can access over 100 government services, organised by needs at different life stages and milestones.

Key Benefits

Offers tailored recommendations based on individual profiles and life stages, enhancing relevance.

Consolidates over 100 government services in one platform, simplifying navigation for users.

Streamlines processes, reducing the effort and time needed to find and access services.

Intuitive interface organised around significant life events, making it easy to use.

Key Achievements

Seamless 3-in-1 process for parents (birth registration + baby bonus application + NLB membership application), as well as enhancement to support 100% digital birth registration.

Provision of various government benefits on LifeSG, e.g. NS55 credit, SkillsFuture credit, Foodconnect, GovCash

Launch of OneService features, e.g. case reporting, help neighbour, dementia alert, book facilities, happenings

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A Digital Solution That Simplifies Citizens' Interactions With the Government During Key life Moments