Verify (Digital Certificates) Features | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Validity Check

Verify checks if the digital document such as a vaccination certificate has been issued or revoked/no longer valid against a repository on the blockchain.

For example, if a new vaccine turns out to be ineffective, the respective vaccination certificates can be revoked.

Anti-tampering detection

Verify can check if a document has been tampered with against a repository on the blockchain.

For example, if someone has forged information on a digital document, the document will not be successfully validated.

Verification of certificate issuer

As part of the provenance of the digital document, the issuer is checked against the domain name system (DNS) records.

As verification is done completely client-side, there is no need for backend integration and thus no data privacy concerns. Only the hash value, a cryptographically produced unique string is on the blockchain as part of verification against that of an .OA document – think of it as a fingerprint check for a file.

Last updated 31 August 2022

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