getting started
- Onboard to StackOps: Subscribe to StackOps via TechBiz Portal, create an Elastic deployment and verify your access to the provisioned Kibana URL.
- Create Endpoint to Elastic Cloud: Create and whitelist endpoint to send your data securely from your cloud account to Elastic.
- Configure Stack Monitoring default rules: Create default stack monitoring rules to monitor your cluster.
- Ingest logs
- Install Elastic Agent and/or Deploy serverless forwarder to ingest logs into Elastic.
- Choose data ingestion method.
- If you have installed Elastic Agents, Configure Elastic Integrations.
- Manage SIEM rules: Configure SIEM rules and alerts for proactive monitoring and improved observability.
For detailed technical documentation, refer to the StackOps Onboarding documentation.
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A Monitoring Component That Improves the Resiliency and Quality of Your Systems and Sites