OpenAttestation (OA) Wallet App Features | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Consolidated document storage

Users can store their OpenAttestation (OA) documents in one place. This feature addresses the pain point of having to keep track of physical or digital documents in different locations, which can be time-consuming and inefficient.

Rendered document viewing

OA documents can be viewed in their rendered format on the Web, making them easier to read and understand. There is thus no need to decipher the complex underlying document format, which can be a barrier for some users.

Document verification

The app provides a verification process to ensure the authenticity and integrity of OA documents stored in the wallet. This feature addresses the pain point of verifying the authenticity of important documents, which can be a time-consuming and challenging task for individuals or organisations.

Document sharing

Users can easily share OA documents via email, text, or other messaging platforms. This eliminates the manual sharing of physical or digital documents with different parties, which can be a tedious, time-consuming and error-prone process.

QR code sharing

The app allows users to present their OA documents to a verifier via a temporary QR code, providing quick and easy access to the information.

QR code scanning

Verifying authorities such as immigration officers or healthcare officials can scan a QR code created by OpenAttestation Wallet App to verify and view an OA document, allowing for seamless integration with other applications. They do not need to manually verify the authenticity of OA documents, and can possibly automate the ingesting of the data within the OA document, saving time and reducing data entry errors.

Last updated 12 May 2023

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