Understand the Broader Environment | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Why is it important for me to understand the broader environment?

Not understanding regulations and expectations in any project can result in delays or even heavy costs, especially when there are necessary changes discovered after important decisions have been made.

What are some factors I should consider?

Below are some factors you should consider while carrying out a project:

  • Conventions for products of a similar nature

  • Legal requirements

  • Policy requirements

It is the responsibility of your product owners and development teams to carry out their due diligence. They should have a complete understanding of the policies and rules that affect your products.

Why should I understand technical decisions?

Developers and architects must understand the rationale behind technical decisions. Their decision-making should be guided by principles instead of what feels most convenient to them.

Instead of committing to full-scale engineering immediately, they should understand the tools and software already available. They should consider whether these services are free, commercially available or already built by another team within the organisation.

Last updated 04 December 2021

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