OIP is a crowd-sourcing platform for business challenges that matches Problem Owners to Problem Solvers. It was launched by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and aims to provide Singapore-based companies with access to multi-disciplinary talent, expertise, and technology to accelerate their digitalisation efforts. Through OIP, innovation can be catalysed by developing a vibrant network of Problem Owners and Problem Solvers in Singapore. This platform is supported by a structured innovation process from ideation to commercialisation, as well as a physical innovation facility that can support rapid prototyping and other innovation activities.
What is OIP?
IMDA launches Innovation Calls on the OIP every few months and each Innovation Call comprises a set of business challenges from different Problem Owners. Each challenge is accompanied by prize monies for wining solutions which will be selected based on the criteria of Problem Owners. The challenge category is proposed by the Problem Owner and published along with a description of each problem statement. The two main categories of challenges are:
Proof-of-Concept (POC) This requires demonstration of the technical viability of concepts or features of the proposed solution, in a lab setting or as an isolated exercise.
Prototype This requires a working prototype to be tested in an intended or simulated environment, and for the prototype to be extended to a pilot.
For both categories of challenges, there is potential for the winning Problem Solver to continue to develop, commercialise and deploy the solution at a scale beyond the OIP.
For more information on OIP, visit this link.
Why Should OIP be adopted?
The enhanced OIP contains features such as discovery engine, digital bench, and a structured innovation process. The discovery engine feature increases the efficiency of searching and matching Problem Solvers to Problem Owners through automated recommendations. This is achieved by analysing problem statements and recommending Problem Solver’s with the relevant experience. Similarly, the digital bench speeds up POC development through a virtual sandbox and testing environment. It provides direct access to digital tools, reusable software assets, testbed environments and community partners to support the testing and development of POCs by Problem Solvers. By providing a digital testbed hosted on cloud infrastructure, the OIP will fast-track development and the eventual commercialisation of innovative solutions from months to just a few weeks!
Through OIP, Problem Owners can gain access to a large community of Problem Solvers with multi-disciplinary expertise. It is also a structured and iterative open innovation process facilitated by IMDA which helps to reduce search costs and expand overall innovation capacity. Similarly, Problem Solvers will have heightened visibility to potential customers and stand to win attractive prizes, commercialise their solutions and gain career referees.
How Do You Use OIP?
All Enterprises are eligible to participate in OIP as Problem Owners, Problem Solvers, or both. To participate in OIP, click here. The Innovation Call Process can be found in Fig 1 below.
Problem Owners If you wish to participate as a Problem Owner, you need to submit a business challenge, criteria for selection and a prize for the successful Problem Solver.
Problem Solvers If you wish to participate as a Problem Solver, you need to have digital technology expertise and innovation capabilities, and interest to co-innovate with potential Problem Owners. Once Innovation Calls are launched every few months, Problem Solvers may vie for the different business challenges available.

Success Stories
SACEOS and Trakomatic & Viatick
The SafeEvent platform was developed by Singapore companies Trakomatic and Viatick. The geospatial solution was developed as an integrated control system to help organisers ensure a safe environment for large-scale physical events, by facilitating effective screening, contract tracing and safe distancing. It was developed in response to the challenge posed by Singapore Association of Convention, Exhibition Organisers and Suppliers (SACEOS) in the National Innovation Challenges (NICs) in July 2020.
The solution includes an automated kiosk that uses facial recognition or a QR code for quick registration while also performing temperature-checking, and wearable dongles – tagged specifically to each visitor – that tracks movements across the venue and interactions between attendees. SafeEvent was successfully trialled at the Geo Connect Asia 2021 (GCA) conference held in March 2021.
Find out more here.
Frasers & SHA, and Vouch
Vouch is a winner of multiple challenges in the OIP. They have developed an intelligent digital concierge for Frasers Hospitality and the Singapore Hotel Association that is seamless, centralised and proactive. The digital reservations concierge is integrated with Fraser Hospitality’s existing digital solution suite to handle guest and customer reservations automatically around the clock. Aside from enhancing customer service, the solution has also led to savings in man-hours.
Find out more here.
Visa and Sourcesage
Global payments company VISA posted a business challenge to seek a seamless ‘last-mile’ innovative payment solution. Through OIP, Visa was partnered with local e-commerce services start-up SourceSage.
Through collaboration, the companies developed a smart digital system that enables local businesses including SMEs to send digital invoices and receive payments easily and quickly. This system, which is compatible with many other platforms – including procurement and enterprise resource planning solutions – has been adopted by over 6,000 SMEs since mid-2020.
Find out more here.
Boustead and Tracesafe
Engineering and construction firm Boustead Projects found an ideal partner in sensor technology firm TraceSafe during the National Innovation Challenges in July 2020. Both companies collaborated to develop SafeSite, a digital monitoring and contact tracing system that mitigates the risk of viral transmission to ensure a safe working environment at construction sites.
The SafeSite system makes use of electronic sensing devices that are worn on helmets and will buzz to alert employees who come too close to each other. Additionally, infrared scanners and other sensors provide temperature and exposure data in real-time. The system is being progressively tested at more worksites.
Find out more here.
What’s Next?
OIP will be enhanced with new features to provide smarter and faster recommendations such as digital tools that enable speedier testing and product development. The enhanced OIP is expected to be launched in 2021 and aims to connect tech solutions to more businesses quickly and enable digital transformation on a greater scale.
Contact Information
FAQs on OIP can be found here. For enquiries, email info@openinnovation.sg.
Last updated 04 December 2021
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