STACKx Smart City 2024 | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Panel Discussion

Wednesday (27/03/2024)

11:10 AM - 12:00 PM

Geomatics and Geospatial Technologies for Smart City

Geomatics is the discipline encompassing the acquisition, processing, and management of geographic information. Geospatial technologies offer essential tools for understanding and analysing land use, resource utilization, and infrastructure development. Together, these technologies equip planners and decision makers with the necessary tools and techniques to gather and handle geographic data, enabling informed and effective planning decisions. Join our panel as they share their experiences, insights, and upcoming trends in these technologies and their application in Smart City Planning.


Speakr Avatar Image Mr Joe Lee, Chief Executive Officer, ESRI Singapore
Speakr Avatar Image Mr Ching Tuan Yee, Director, Design & Planning Lab, Urban Redevelopment Authority
Speakr Avatar Image Dr Victor Khoo, Director, Survey & Geomatics Division, Singapore Land Authority
Speakr Avatar Image (Moderator) Mr Lee Boon Seng, Lead Specialised Systems Engineer, Smart City Technology Division (SCTD), GovTech

02:30 PM - 03:10 PM

Re-defining people-vehicle interaction and infrastructure for future mobility in Singapore

Over the next decade, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) aims to integrate Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) into the public transport fleet. In pursuit of this goal, a project was initiated in 2021 under the LTA Urban Mobility Grand Challenge Programme.

The primary objective of this project was to study the current design of bus stops, taxi stands, and general Pick Up and Drop Off points (PUDOs) and make recommendations for any changes to facilitate the seamless integration of AVs in future.

The project was led by TUM Asia in partnership with NUS, NTU and AV bus developers ST Engineering Autonomous Solutions. Motional, an AV Robo-Taxi developer as well as bus operators SBS Transit and Tower Transit also collaborated in the project. This brought together several complementary expertise such as industrial design, traffic engineering, low-cost camera sensors for situation awareness and state-of-the-art AV technologies.

This panel discussion aims to delve into our approach to identifying challenges and the pathway leading to our recommendations within the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-driven AVs. Additionally, potential next steps will be explored and discussed.


Speakr Avatar Image Dr Alok Prakash, Scientific Director, M3S, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)
Speakr Avatar Image Dr Jung-Joo Lee, Deputy Head (Research) & Assistant Professor, Division of Industrial Design, National University of Singapore
Speakr Avatar Image (Moderator) Dr Graham Leedham, Adjunct Professor, Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems, NTU & Griffith University
* Please note that the programme may be subject to change without prior notice

Last updated 21 December 2023

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