Admin portal for agencies
Agencies can create, manage and track voucher campaigns and redemptions using RedeemSG admin portal. The portal offers the following features:
Dashboard: Display key metrics and enables staff to address recipient inquiries effectively.
Transaction records: Generates reports for financial reconciliation and audit purposes.
Fast set-up time: Allows agency users to swiftly set up voucher campaigns.
Audit trail: Maintains audit logs to ensure transaction and administrative action traceability.
Claims Processing: Facilitates the over-the-counter claiming of both digital and paper vouchers.
RedeemSG merchant app
Merchants can effortlessly accept both digital and printed vouchers through the RedeemSG Merchant app.
Resident vouchers
Recipients can sign up and claim digital vouchers without the need to download a mobile app or physically collect them from different locations. Instead, they can conveniently access their vouchers via a simple web link.
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A Government Digital Voucher System That Simplifies Redemption for Merchants and Citizens