Features & Roadmap | Singapore Government Developer Portal
features roadmap
Features & Roadmap
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Features & Roadmap


Form configuration

Easily customise form fields and logic to build tailored forms. BoB supports a two-level form structure (Parent and Child), where child forms are dynamically linked to their parent forms, ensuring data consistency and relational integrity.

Event configuration for scheme processing

Configure events to send real-time data to external systems, allowing agencies to leverage the data collected through BoB for custom purposes such as payment processing, data analytics, and visualisation. Future capabilities will include sending customised email notifications.

Data Export

BoB’s data export feature enables dynamic export of submission data in .csv format, based on form configuration. This data can be used for reporting, analytics, and further processing.

Flexible integration options

BoB supports various integration methods, enabling agencies to use it end-to-end, as an applicant-facing solution, or as a back-office tool with their own applicant-facing platform.


Workflow configuration enhancement

Enable agencies to design custom workflow routes, supporting complex government workflows. Agencies will be able to add or remove processing roles and states, as well as create group or team-based submissions.


ReactJS, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, SHIP-HATS, GitLab, Terraform, Copilot, AWS ECS Fargate, Playwright, Jest, RSpec

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