MAESTRO | Singapore Government Developer Portal
How It Works
Getting Started
Use Cases
Meet The Team


MAESTRO (Machine learning & Artifical intellegence Enterprise-level Secure Tool suite for Reliable Operations) is a centralised WOG data platform offering a comprehensive suite of tools and services, with scalable compute resources. Powered by, users can now develop, deploy and monitor their AI/ML models at scale within a secure environment.

Key Benefits


Provide teams with pre-defined configurations and templates based on MLOps best practices so that pipeline setups can be accelerated.


The platform is built with readily available tools & services that are provisioned to scale seamlessly in anticipation of increasing adoption numbers and growing AI/ML workloads.

Governance and Compliance

Hosted on GCC, the platform is built in compliance to ICT&SS management standards. It is also capable of allowing every user team admins to track the AI/ML workflow activities carried out by their team members, ensuring transparency & accountability.

WOG Collaboration

Common software components across the government are reused within the platform. This can enable government users to learn from inner-source projects and collaborate.

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A One-Stop AI/ML Ops Solution That Efficiently Manages AI/ML Model LIfecycle at Scale