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Getting Started

How do you onboard I2C?

Agencies can set up and onboard I2C by following these steps:

  1. Set up I2C
    • Create AWS Elastic Container Registry
    • Create repository for I2C-aws
    • Take note of the Universal Resource Identifier (URI) after the repository creation
  2. Create Dockerfile
    • Check Prerequisite
    • Create Dockerfile for I2C-aws
  3. Create AWS Batch
    • Configure Compute Environments
    • Configure Job Queue
    • Configure Job Definitions
  4. Create AWS Lambda
    • Create Lambda triggers the AWS Batch
  5. Create AWS API Gateway
    • Creation via Lambda
  6. Configure Swagger via AWS S3
    • Create AWS S3
    • Run Swagger
    • Access the I2C API in AWS API Gateway using Swagger

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