Getting started with CodeSCAPE | Singapore Government Developer Portal
getting started
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Getting Started
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Getting started with CodeSCAPE

CodeSCAPE is currently in its pilot phase with limited availability. Please click here to register your interest after completing steps 1 and 2 outlined below.

Step 1: Accounts

Access to CodeSCAPE requires TechPass registration (click here to register)

  • Public officers: Use WOG ID (i.e.
  • Tech vendors: Use Techpass ID (i.e.

Additionally, users are required to have a SHIP-HATS GitLab account. To sign up for a SHIP-HATS GitLab account, please follow the instructions in the SHIP-HATS onboarding guide.

Step 2: Supported Accounts

Once Step 1 is completed, users may login to CodeSCAPE using:

  • Government Managed Devices (GMDs) onboarded to Security Suite for Engineering Endpoint Devices (SEED) with Cloudflare WARP enabled or,
  • Non-Secure Email (SE) GSIB.

Further details on the prerequisites can be found here.

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