Automated Baseline Log Review – Standardising Processes for Privileged User Activities | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Automated Baseline Log Review (ABLR) is a centralised logging tool developed by Central Technical Services (CTS). Agencies may onboard logs from various platforms (Operating Systems/Databases/Applications/Devices) to ABLR. They can follow up to perform a log review on privileged user activities through automated reports generated from ABLR in order to comply with ICT&SS Management (formerly known as IM8).

Key Benefits

  • Covers both Internet and Intranet Systems in the Whole-of-Government (WOG) (Government Enterprise Network (GEN)/Non-GEN) and Cloud Hosting Environments.
  • Integrated with Centralised Service/Change Request (SR/CR) system (STREAM), to facilitate automation of the log activity verification process against authorised changes.
  • Reports are deposited into a central repository for agencies to download. After the reports have been reviewed, the agency can upload the reviewed report into the central repository to serve as evidence for audit.

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Reach out to the product team through Ask GovTech @ ITSM Portal*.

*Only accessible on government-issued device

Last updated 04 June 2024

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